
This front cover has been over taken with its masthead“Listen” this magazine clearly shows that this type of music is all about listening to the voice rather than having a music video full of dancers and major distractions. The layout of the magazine is very basic there’s not much going on within the cover page. The main image is of Isabel Bayrakdarian, she is a well-known opera singer, the main image links very well with the masthead because opera is mainly about listening to the person and hearing the vocals. I like the images used because it focusses just on her and it’s very clear what they’re trying to promote, also it does not distract the buyer. The fact the image has very calm and subtle colours such as cream and whites connotes that the magazine is very calm and would more relate to classical music. The colours relate to me because its shows a really calm and soothing atmosphere and I’m a calm person. The style of the magazine doesn’t really appeal to me because it’s a bit bland and doesn’t draw your attention, there’s not much colours to connect to. The target audience is aimed at 30 – 50 years old and would also be aimed at professional people that most properly have no families, and spend the majority of their time working and improving themselves.

This magazine has a masthead “blender” on the top of the page to tell the audience exactly what magazine it is. The colours don’t really connote much because the colours are very bland, although the colours gold could connote “richness and power”. I believe they do this because it’s to make the main image stand out more; her sexual seducing image will capture the audience’s eye and would encourage the buyer to purchase this product. One of the coverlines will draw your attention because it makes you think “how a bad girl is made good” you’re tempted to find out more. The layout of the magazine is very basic. The main features are the main image, the masthead, and the coverline. The target audience would be people aged 12 – 25 because that’s who Fergie appeals to. The style of the magazine appeals to me because the image will definitely capture the audience’s eyes, the masthead is very bold and creative, also the coverlines are good because not only does the magazine attract you because of the artist on the front cover, but it attracts you because there could also be other stories you can relate to.

This magazine has a clear masthead of what magazine it is“classical FM” it’s written in an elegant font,probably aimed at middle class people.The layout is very busy, there’s so much going on, on this front cover e.g. the page design, graphics and textboxes and this is the main features that draw you into the magazine. This magazine offers a covermount (free CD) which will encourage people to buy this magazine because it’s something additional. The main image is of the cellist “Natalie clein” but there is also another image of “Luciano parotti” who is well known, the two images open the doors for buyers interested into classical music as a whole, people that are interested in to cellist and people interested in Luciano parotti. The colours red on the magazine connotes a passion for the genre of music; the white connotes pure and heavenly music, the colours appeal to me because the reds and whites go really well together, and they connote so much different things that links to me and how I feel about music. This magazine definitely draws you in with the main images because they are well known artist also known as legends especially pavarotti. The target audience would most probably be around the age of 30 – 60, it has a large target audience. Certain parts of the style appeal to me for example the mastheads, different pictures and the coverlines, but I also feel that the front cover of this magazine is too busy.

The picture tells you who the interview is about, the structure of the questions are opened therefore it allows you to receive rich in detail answers. Having short questions that can still provide you with long and accurate answers is a positive. The structure of the interview appeals to me because it’s very accurate and precise. The questions provide fans with the answers they have been dying for such as why Duffy wrote the song and what does the lyrics actually mean. I like this interview because it’s focussed on one artist only and has asked her lots of questions about her music, which would keep the reader engaged. The interview is music related. The things that I would apply to my double spread page would be the fact that the interview is music related, that the interview asks what fans are dying to know and the fact that there’s a picture that indicates who you’re referring to.

The layout of the interview is basic and the questions are located in one place which allows the reader to focus on all the questions asked. The forms of questions are engaging and it makes the reader interested in the answer that’s going to be given. All the questions are left opened so that it allows the participant to give as much detail as possible. I would take the fact that all the questions are kept very short and accurate and mainly focuses on opened questions, that way I would receive as much information as possible. I believe for an interview to be about a soundtrack within a movie (inception) is very different and appealing, because it adds something different to the magazine, not only does it talks about the music but it talks about the film as well. The main things that I would take from this interview and apply to my double page spread would be, having an interview that is music related but has a hint of something else, which would still be enjoyed by the readers, having opened questions and basic layouts.

The main image to your left is addressing the reader and letting them know who the article is about; in this case it’s of a bunch of teenagers sitting down looking very relaxed and calm. No one stands out more than the other; therefore this would indicate that every single member of the band plays an equal role. The "headline" is in a massive blue textbox and is the second largest thing on the double spread page, so it’s aimed for the reader to see it. Drop quotes catch the reader’s attention because it’s exciting and eye catching stuff. The drop cap "the letter T" is used to start the article. At the top of the article it says "young, dumb and full of.... fifty tunes" it’s given you an insight to what the article is going to be about. Directly in the middle of the article there is a blue textbox, which has been taken from an interview, this has been made bigger and bolder so that the reader could read this and be excited and tempted to read the whole article. On the left you have another blue textbox which states "need to know" this has extra information about the band, I believe this could be made purely for the people just flicking through a magazine. Finally down the right side in a column has information about other bands which could appeal to other people as well. This double spread article has a great layout, everything is spaced out and it’s not to busy. The colours go well with who the article is about, because blue is associated with boys. The main things I would take from this article would be its layout, main image and how it takes over one page and finally, how they have used textboxes in the correct places to attract the reader.

This content page is basic, yet appealing. It has a massive title on the top to introduce the reader to the magazine they are reading. This content page is neither dull nor boring because it has a great choice of colours. The contents page does a fantastic job in telling the reader what is inside of the magazine. The thing that I would take from this contents page would have to be the fact they haven’t just stuck with dull colours and they have used images. Also the contents page looks like it’s on two separate layers, the first layer being the background e.g. all the colours and images and then the second layer being the information about what the magazine holds inside.

The layout of this content page is very different, because you don’t normally have a contents page focussing on the image and making the most important parts small e.g. the text. The contents page is limited because it only offers a few page numbers, and as a content page it should offer all page numbers within the magazine. This content page feels more like an advertisement because it’s focused so much on the image and not on the text. Finally the page isn’t too clustered. The only thing I would take from his content page would be the fact it’s not cluttered and its remained neat and tidy.

Confessions from Britney Muir.
Interview with the well-known established pop artist Britney Muir, discussing her secret obsession.
Everyone knows you as a well know pop star am I correct?
“I guess”

I heard you have a really weird obsession?
“I wouldn’t really call it weird; I actually think it’s a cool obsession”

Tell me a bit more about your obsession and how it started?
“Well, it started after I released my new album and we did the video to “love song”, there were so many vintage cars in the shoot, and that’s when I created my obsession. After that video shoot I had to buy my very own 1926 Bentley, the second car I bought was the Classic American Chrysler, I just had to the colour was just so me. In total I have 15 cars and counting.

Do you have a favourite car?
“That would definitely have to be the Maybach Zeppelin”

Have you got any new albums or singles coming out?
“Yeah defo, and all my 15 cars will be in the videos”

Questionnaire analysis.


85.7% males

14.3% Females

From this data I can see that my audience is mainly males, therefore my magazine can appeal to males more than females.


100% of the participants are aged between 15 – 19yrs.

From this data you can see that no one is younger than 15 or older than 19 therefore this gives me the age range of who I’m trying to attract with my magazine.

14.3% said yes, they would be interested in a new music magazine.

28.6% said no, they are not interested in a new music magazine.

57.1% of the participants said maybe.

Most of the participants have an opened mind about a new music magazine being available to purchase.

14.3% participants said they read magazines very often.

28.6% participants said they read magazines moderately often.

57.1% said they don’t really read magazines often.

Most people don’t read magazines; therefore I would only have an issue once a month and make it very appealing so that they would buy the issue every month.

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