
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?


my magazine has a massive masterhead, I made it bold so that it catches the audiences eyes as this magazine sits there on the shelves. The masterhead “Manic Music” is a title that would make the audience want to read this magazine as the individual would feel like that want to find out what music comes under manic music and it could relate to new crazy R&B tunes.

I chose to do a girl group because I felt that it could relate to a huge target audience and not just for girls. The girl group could be aimed at girls and boys from the ages of 13-18year olds that would be interested in R&B music. I didn’t just colour schemes of “pink” or “blue” because I didn’t want to limit my target audience by saying that it’s for girl only or boys only, it’s great to be unisex.

On the front cover you have the girl group MKI (main image) they have no major customs. The look I was aiming for would be classy but stylish R&B artist. The gold chain on the “middle girl” represents R&B in the late 1980s – early 1990s with Run DMC.

The puff on the front cover (free CD inside) would make people want to buy this magazine as it offers something additional included within the price.  

For the front cover no props were3 used other than a wall to take the pictures against. Within the front cover I used two colours for the text because I didn’t want the audience to get bored of the basic black but at the same time I didn’t want to make my magazine to look childish would have dropped the age of my target audience.  The contents page images used props such as a piano, a car and a music studio. The contents page has an effect on it to add texture to my magazine, the layout challenges forms and conventions of real media products by having the text written down the side of the page rather than having it in a way that many magazines have it, also by adding page numbers to the images. The double page spread used similar props to the contents page such as the piano and the studio. Within the double page spread it has a nice layout with boxe3s surrounding the images, so it adds something different to the magazine.

The 1st issue sticker allows the audience to know that it’s a brand new magazine that’s never been seen before and it would bring something totally different compared to other magazines.

The magazine attracts the audience by “exclusive” stories that are inside the magazine, as well as bold texts that would make the magazine stand out.



How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My magazine will represent different social groups, because the magazine has a large target audience. My magazine would be aimed at 13-18year old boys & girls. It relates to every one of all ethnic group types into R&B music.

My final target audience is youths both boys and girls aged 13-18 year olds within the uk.

My magazines would be aimed at working and middle class because it relates more to them and the music that they would listen to.



What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The media institution that may distribute my magazine is IPC MEDIA, I think this because they publish such a wide range of music magazines such as ‘NME’.

 I do believe that this could benefit my magazine as it creates a lot more buyers for me, due it being a popular media institution. my mag could be bought in shops like WHSmith.


What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Through my process of creating this magazine I have learnt how to use Photoshop because I had no idea how to do this before. I enjoyed doing this because Photoshop had so many different tools that I could use to improve my magazine.

I learnt how to create good images from many different angles with a professional camera.


Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

Looking back at my preliminary task I feel that I have made a massive improvement with my magazine product.

I also learnt that with working to the best of my ability, improvements can be made and a great product can be created.


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